Friday, April 16, 2010

SOTD: Parfumerie Generale Cuir d'Iris

The leather craving continues, and today Cuir d'Iris seemed just about right. It still has that weird tanning-potions thing that appeals to the part of my nose that craves freakish and chemical and bug-killing scents.

Then, as it wore off, I sprayed on Cristalle. You'd think that there would be a war, but, nope, it worked really well.

Review Roundup for Cuir d'Iris is here.

Image: By Van Gogh. Wikimedia Commons.


  1. So if you like Cristalle on the heels of Cuir d'Iris, do you like Heeley Cardinal?

  2. I never tried it. The combination makes you think of it? I oughta try it?

  3. Hmm, not sure. It gets a lot of love, not least from Luca Turin, but to me the lemon doesn't jive too well with the ecclesiastical incense.

  4. Hmmm. Lemon and incense does sound odd. But Cristalle and Cuir d'Iris was just lovely. So. Yes. I must try. :)
