Thursday, January 21, 2010

SOTD: None and Rant: I am so done with winter (perfume version)

Photograph of a wet cat.
If you're feeling a touch of deja vu, that's because I already ranted about the weather over there. And now I'm ranting about it again over here.

What weather? Rain. You heard about all that rain on the left-hand side of the country? Yeah, it's falling on my head. OK, technically, it's falling on my roof, while I sit in here nice and dry and type. I'm still sick of it.

Yes, I did say rain. Not snow, not sleet, not ice. Rain. Not-particularly-cold water. I am a weather wimp. I got my weather training in St. Louis and Pittsburgh. I'm pretty sure that I was in town for this blizzard. So you'd think I wouldn't be that wimpish. I am. Too many years in all this nice mild mildness.

You know what perfume I want to wear, in all this rain and all the drippy noises coming from everywhere that you can hear even a touch of noise from the outside? You really want to know?


I have no craving for anything. It's worse than yesterday.

The warm, fuzzy glamour of Daim Blond? Bleah. The rich, torchlit elfin forest feast of Feminite du Bois? Feh. The snappy newly-sharpened-pencil nostalgia of Feminite du Bois on another day? Meh. The deep, dark, smoky volcanic plain of Serge Noire? Pfft. The sparkling, tapdancing sheer joy of Sushi Imperiale? Oh, just go away.

Cadjmere? Too sweet and too filling. L'Eau Rare Matale? That's a wet smell, are you mad?! Aomassai? Didn't you hear what I said about Cadjmere? Un Lys? Oh, sure, taunt me with flowers, be that way, see if I care. No. 19? Oh, yeah, you want to ask the green-clawed creature to get out of her nice comfy bottle and join us all in the drizzle? I'm not risking it, thank you.

I remain unscented. And cranky.

Photo: By JlLantzy. Wikimedia Commons.


  1. :) Hope the weather turns better (and your perfume craving comes back) soon!

  2. Ooof-- I feel you, sister, down here in soggy SF. Guess what-- when the wind blows rain in at 90 degrees, you learn new things about how well your house is rainproofed!!

    Here's what I'm smelling like: Satellite's Padparadscha: extreme cedar, sandalwood, juniper-- hot, austere, and DRY. Breath of Fire.

    Hang in there-- the rain is supposed to ease up in a day or so-- right?

  3. Could be worse... you could have ICE, like we're having here on the East Coast. The road from my house to the main road was soooo slick today that I had a hard time staying on it.

    Not that I don't sympathize. It's been cloudy and cold and wet and icky lately. This morning I had to pull out the Anti-depressant Big Gun: PdeNicolai Vanille Tonka, which never fails to make me happy.

  4. Its rainy in London too. Although that's probably no consolation.

  5. Thanks, everybody! There was a momentary break in the rain today, and I got to go outside and read a chapter of a murder mystery as I walked to buy a half gallon of milk. Then I drank the milk. Most of it.

    So I'm now in a slightly less cranky tryptophan haze. (Have I mentioned that milk is my mood enhancer of choice? Well, especially if I put chocolate in it. Remember Ed on Northern Exposure overdosing on milkshakes when he was stressed? Works better than you'd think.)

    90 degree angle? Gack! That's worse than our weather. And, yep, ice is worse than our weather. St. Louis had plenty of that, too, but I've mostly blocked out the memories. And it actually is contrarily consoling that it's raining in other places. It's Wrong - I should wish Sunshine and Fluffiness for all the rest of the world - but it's consoling anyway.

    The rain's starting again, so I'm going to drink the rest of the milk.

  6. If the rain drives you to milk, does it by any chance "precipitate" post-nasal "drip"?

    I think that may be my problem - it is raining here too - outside and in.

  7. I *love* that milk is your "mood enhancer of choice"!!! I don't get that much from it, sadly... although I can see how adding chocolate might be a force multiplier...

    My best friend up in Bellingham just wrote to me to tell me she's just had 5 glorious days of biking weather. What is going on?!??!?!

  8. Actually, I'm back. I found this poem yesterday at :

    I thought since everyone seems to be having winter meltdown at the same time, it might help...

    The Snow Man

    One must have a mind of winter
    To regard the frost and the boughs
    Of the pine-trees crusted with snow;

    And have been cold a long time
    To behold the junipers shagged with ice,
    The spruces rough in the distant glitter

    Of the January sun; and not to think
    Of any misery in the sound of the wind,
    In the sound of a few leaves,

    Which is the sound of the land
    Full of the same wind
    That is blowing in the same bare place

    For the listener, who listens in the snow,
    And, nothing himself, beholds
    Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.
    --Wallace Stevens

  9. flittersniffer, I did the "good pun groan", out loud. :)

    LCN, yes! Tryptophan! Theobromine! And sugar! And fat! Woohoo! What more could a cranky brain want?

    Ooh. I like the poem, LCN, thank you.

  10. I've been in those sorts of moods lately....I still need an olfactory fix, though, so I head for Moroccan Mint Tea which sweeps up the cobwebs. Am now hunting for a more accessible minty frag. Will soon test AA Herba Fresca and am on the look out for l'Occitane's Green Tea with Mint. Try either?

  11. Hmmm. I was perfume shopping yesterday, and a minty bath oil was the only thing that appealed to me. Maybe I should have tried wearing Jo Malone White Jasmine & Mint - which, by the way, is the more accessible minty frag that I'd recommend.

    I think that I liked Herba Fresca but found it a little too quiet and well behaved. I only got a quick sniff of Green Tea with Mint at a L'Occitane, but I think I liked it, at least enough to wish that they had a mini.
