Thursday, February 10, 2011

SOTD: People of the Labyrinths Luctor et Emergo

This was one of the first cult fragrances that I tried, when the perfume insanity started. I remember perceiving it as delightfully weird, but other than the Play Doh, I'd forgotten what I smelled in it. So I ordered a new vial a few weeks ago, and just dug it out on Thursday.

Play Doh, yep. And cherries--I remember the cherries, now that I smell them again. This time around, I could also detect the incense, while last time I probably only perceived that aspect of the fragrance as powder. I don't get any wood at all.

But did it always have that toy shop vibe? That's the feeling that I get from it, a big rambling shop with shiny-new toys and balloons and candy, as well as treasures in old dusty boxes. I'm sure that's not what the house was going for, not with that name, but that's what I get, and I like it.

Review Roundup: MakeupAlley and Now Smell This and My Perfume Life and Basenotes and PereDePierre and Fragrantica and Nathan Branch and Aromascope and Perfume-Smellin' Things.

Image: By Jurgen Ludwig. Wikimedia Commons.


  1. I'm probably one of the few people in the online perfume community who haven't tried this. I think I would like it, too, as the toy shop theme sounds fun, and I've discovered that I like a bit of Play Doh. There's a definite Play Doh note in Jacomo #02, from their Art Collection trio, and I find myself quite enamoured with that one.

  2. Yes! Try it! It varies a fair little bit - when it's mostly cherry I find it dull, but when it swaps back and for between cherry and Play Doh I like it a lot.
